By launching a digital ordering channel, Creighton’s Pizza unlocked a new stream of customers, driving consistent growth and attracting tech-savvy diners.

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Introduction & Challenge

Creighton’s Pizza, a beloved family-run business on the Manitoba/Saskatchewan border, has been serving its diverse community for 25 years. Known for its personal service and quality, the pizzeria had long relied on phone and in-person orders for its take-out-only operation. However, over time, the owners noticed a shift: younger customers, once a key part of their clientele, were ordering less frequently. The turning point came when Aristotelis Keramydas, owner of Creighton’s Pizza, had a conversation with his daughter who explained that many of her peers preferred the convenience of mobile ordering and were choosing establishments based on that option.

“I didn’t want to do it at first, but I realized that this is where the future is headed, and we are always ready to adapt,” said Aristotelis.

To stay relevant and connect with tech-savvy younger customers, Creighton’s Pizza began exploring digital ordering solutions.

Solution & Implementation

As Creighton’s Pizza explored digital ordering options, they encountered a common challenge: many platforms charged a percentage of sales, forcing businesses to either absorb the cost or pass it on to customers. Aristotelis was committed to maintaining consistent pricing in-store and online, which made App8’s commission-free pricing model the perfect fit. With App8, Creighton’s Pizza found a solution that aligned with their values— ensuring no additional costs were passed on to their loyal customers. Aristotelis praised the onboarding process, emphasizing the expertise and support provided by the App8 team. The transition was smooth and efficient, allowing them to quickly integrate digital ordering into their daily operations.

One feature Aristotelis particularly appreciated was App8’s self-service capabilities. By day two of the rollout, both staff and customers had fully adopted the new channel of ordering. “It was pretty flawless. After the first second day, everybody was on board.”

“The platform was really easy to understand, and it was really simple. You can just go in and manage everything yourself.”
Aristotelis Keramydas
Owner of Creighton’s Pizza


Since implementing App8, Creighton’s Pizza has seen steady month-over-month growth, with online ordering quickly becoming a key revenue channel for the business.

“I think we’ve opened up a door to new business that we didn’t have before,” said Aristotelis.

To encourage repeat online orders, they’ve been distributing QR codes, making it easier for customers to order again from home.

The switch to digital ordering has also improved their delivery operations, with 70% of their App8 orders coming from delivery customers. The impact has been felt across the team, including delivery drivers, who appreciate the added efficiency.

“There’s no wasting time, which the delivery guys love, and they’re seeing even higher tips. They love it because it’s in and out, and they’re on to the next delivery.”

Quicker deliveries, zero time spent taking payment at the door, and higher tips for drivers has made App8 a win for the whole team.

When offering advice to other small business owners, Aristotelis emphasized how easy the transition to digital ordering was with App8.

“This is the easiest transition they can make for their business, 100%. I’m not just saying it because we’re having a conversation—I truly believe it was flawless. They did a fantastic job setting us up.”

By the numbers

percent orders for delivery

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